The equal-area theorem●This is sinusoidal PWM (SPWM)●The equal-area theorem can be appliedto realize any shape of waveforms
●Natural sampling●Calculation based on equal-area criterion●Selected harmonic elimination●Regular sampling●Hysteresis-band control●Triangular wave comparison withfeedba ...
The Molgedey and Schuster decorrelation algorithm, having square mixing matrix and no noise . Truncation is used for the time shifted matrix, and it is forced to be symmetric . The delay Tau is estimated .
The number of independent components are calculated using Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), ...
he algorithm is equivalent to Infomax by Bell and Sejnowski 1995 [1] using a maximum likelihood formulation. No noise is assumed and the number of observations must equal the number of sources. The BFGS method [2] is used for optimization.
The number of independent components are calculated using ...
The main features of the considered identification problem are that there is no an a priori separation of the variables into inputs and outputs and the approximation criterion, called misfit, does not depend on the model representation. The misfit is defined as the minimum of the l2-norm between the ...
The toolbox solves a variety of approximate modeling problems for linear static models. The model can be parameterized in kernel, image, or input/output form and the approximation criterion, called misfit, is a weighted norm between the given data and data that is consistent with the model. There ar ...
PRINCIPLE: The UVE algorithm detects and eliminates from a PLS model (including from 1 to A components) those variables that do not carry any relevant information to model Y. The criterion used to trace the un-informative variables is the reliability of the regression coefficients: c_j=mean(b_j)/std ...
function [U,V,num_it]=fcm(U0,X)
% MATLAB (Version 4.1) Source Code (Routine fcm was written by Richard J.
% Hathaway on June 21, 1994.) The fuzzification constant
% m = 2, and the stopping criterion for successive partitions is epsilon =??????.
%*******Modified 9/15/04 to have epsilon = ...