Simple SunPlus SP54 codec converter and a more playable mode MJPG.
untar the archive
go to the relevant directory
to compile:
just do make
to install:
with root account
cp sp54convert /usr/local/bin
to use:
sp54convert infile outfile
Enjoy !!
Michel Xhaard <>
Till ...
This DLL models an anamorphic aspheric surface.
This surface is essentially an even aspheric surface with different terms for
the x and y directions.
The sag is given by:
Z = ((CX*x*x)+(CY*y*y)) / (1 + sqrt(1-((1+KX)*CX*CX*x*x)-((1+KY)*CY*CY*y*y)))
+ AR*( (1 - AP)*x*x + (1 + AP)*y*y ...