Although Stellaris microcontrollers have generous internal SRAM capabilities, certain applicationsmay have data storage requirements that exceed the 8 KB limit of the Stellaris LM3S8xx seriesdevices. Since microcontrollers do not have an external parallel data-bus, serial memory optionsmust be consi ...
Abstract: The number of uses for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is growing—they allow us todo jobs once considered impossible. This tutorial explains the applications for MEMS and the increasingneed to provide precision control and drivers for these devices. Design and manufacturing c ...
The LTC®3207/LTC3207-1 is a 600mA LED/Camera driverwhich illuminates 12 Universal LEDs (ULEDs) and onecamera fl ash LED. The ULEDs are considered universalbecause they may be individually turned on or off, setin general purpose output (GPO) mode, set to blink at aselected on-time and ...
Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates
There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to ...
This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5 nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by changing fs,t,t1. The program uses the actual first and second derivative equations ...
The Viterbi algorithm is the same as the binary case with one main difference: The survivor sequences include the uncoded bits, which are decided at each trellis stage when selecting one of two parallel branches with the largest correlation metric.
Presently, only 8-PSK modulation is considered. E ...
The purpose of this application note is to describe the main elements of
an RS-422 and RS-485 system. This application note attempts to cover
enough technical details so that the system designer will have considered all
the important aspects in his data system design. Since both RS-422 and RS-
485 a ...
Aiming at the application of passive trackinn based on sensor array, a new passive trackinn usinn sensor array
based on particle filter was proposed. Firstly, the“fake points" could be almost entirely and exactly deleted with the aids of the
sensor array at the expense of an additional sensor. Seco ...
Core JSP
In recent years, a large amount of software development activity has migrated from
the client to the server. The client-centric model, in which a client executes complex
programs to visualize and manipulate data, is no longer considered appropriate for the
majority of enterprise application ...