Symbolic Representations of Time Series...
SAX is just as good as other representations, or working on the raw data for most problems (Slides shown at the end of this presentation)
As I write this foreword, I am collaborating with four leading user interface
(UI) component vendors on a presentation for the 2004 JavaOneSM conference.
In our presentation, the vendors will show how they leverage JavaServerTM
Faces technology in their products. While developing the presentation, ...
The book consists of three sections. The first, foundations, provides a tutorial overview of the principles underlying data mining algorithms and their application. The presentation emphasizes intuition rather than rigor. The second section, data mining algorithms, shows how algorithms are construct ...
The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary
technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java
Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP).
Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensi ...
As a general rule, PhD students and their supervisors tend to focus
primarily, or even exclusively, on the content of the research that will
go into the doctoral thesis. Other issues are often taken for granted:
how to organize your work, give a presentation, work in a team, cope
with your superviso ...
The aim of this book is to give an integrated presentation of the
specifications for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE Advanced radio
interfaces, so that the reader can gain an overview of their main
This books attempts to provide an extensive overview on Long-Term Evolution
(LTE) networks. Understanding LTE and its Performance is purposely written to
appeal to a broad audience and to be of value to anyone who is interested in 3GPP
LTE or wireless broadband networks more generally. The aim of th ...