face detection
Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face localization, the task is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). In face detection, one does not have this additional information.
Early face-detection algorithms fo ...
What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes? How secure is your data? Can someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data?
Maybe you need a computer locking tool that is small and easy to use yet powerful ...
Abstract-In this paper, simple autonomous chaotic circuits
coupled by resistors are investigated. By carrying out computer
calculations and circuit experiments, irregular self-switching phenomenon
of three spatial patterns characterized by the phase
states of quasi-synchronization of chaos can be ob ...
WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, within a given set of words. It does this by: reading in plain text, filtering out "stop words", counting how many times a word is used, and displaying results in a Squarified Treemap.
The goal of this thesis is the development of traffic engineering rules for cellular packet
radio networks based on GPRS and EDGE. They are based on traffic models for typical
mobile applications. Load generators, representing these traffic models, are developed
and integrated into a simulation envi ...
Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold s Programming Windows—a classic programming text that is the bible to an entire generation of Windows programmers. When I set out to become an MFC programmer in 1994, I went shopping for an MFC equivalen ...
PenguinCards is a java-based card game. You can either play against computer or another player. On the board, there are card pairs and your aim is to find out these card pairs. The one who finds out more card pairs is the winner. Have fun!