%%% Demos for PUMA algorithms %%%
We present four matlab demos for PUMA. demo1, demo2, demo3, and demo4
illustrate PUMA working with different parameters and with four
different images.
All you need to do is to run each of the demos. Please be sure that
all the files are put on an accessibl ...
Visual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition
- Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirements
- Use customchatdev.html for developing / testing
- Create .jar and .cab-files containing client-specific .class-files and the images- ...
pca人脸识别This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and
tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not
preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted,
not changing the filenames
This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and
tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not
preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted,
not changing the filenames
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and
tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not
preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted,
not changing the filenames
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and
tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not
preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted,
not changing the filenames
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis in Matlab and
tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not
preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted,
not changing the filenames