This package contains the following files:
learner.jar - is a platform independent java package. In order to run it on windows/linux
open the command prompt/shell and type the command "java -jar learner.jar".
Make sure the java installation path is set in the system enviroment.
learner ...
Using Jacobi method and Gauss-Seidel iterative methods to solve the following system
The required precision is =0.00001, and the maximum iteration number N=25. Compare the number of iterations and the convergence of these two methods
The following program demonstates the required configuration of the pulse width modulator
peripheral for the following chips :
Philips 80C552
Philips 80C554
Philips 83/87C552
Philips 83/87C554
Philips 83/87C557E 8
This the source release kit for the following system configuration(s):
- AMD Alchemy(TM) DBAu1200(TM) and AMD Alchemy(TM) Pb1200(TM)
development boards (AMD Alchemy(TM) Au1200(TM) processor)
- Windows CE 5.0
- RMI Au1200 Core BSP v1.51
- RMI Au1200 Media BSP v1.51