法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// 12-01-02 : MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6)
// All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin)
// No more need to use the InitMat procedure (su ...
FFTW, a collection of fast C routines to compute the Discrete
Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions.The fftw/ directory contains the source code for the complex transforms,
and the rfftw/ directory contains the source code for the real transforms.
The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d arrays. In the 1-d case I offer 5 different methods, from cumtrapz, and an integrated cubic spline, plus several finite difference methods.
In higher dimensions, only a finite difference/linear alge ...
PRINCIPLE: The UVE algorithm detects and eliminates from a PLS model (including from 1 to A components) those variables that do not carry any relevant information to model Y. The criterion used to trace the un-informative variables is the reliability of the regression coefficients: c_j=mean(b_j)/std ...
Quaternions are hypercomplex numbers (that is generalizations of the complex numbers to higher dimensions than two). For an introduction, refer to the Wikipedia article on Quaternions.
Quaternion toolbox for Matlab® extends Matlab® to allow calculation with matrices of quaternions in almost t ...
We analyze, both analytically and numerically, the effectiveness
of cloaking an infinite cylinder from observations by electromagnetic
waves in three dimensions. We show that, as truncated approximations
of the ideal permittivity and permeability tensors tend towards
the singular ideal cloaking fiel ...
The double-density DWT is an improvement upon the critically sampled DWT with important additional properties: (1) It employs one scaling function and two distinct wavelets, which are designed to be offset from one another by one half, (2) The double-density DWT is overcomplete by a factor of two, a ...
WSNs being energy constrained systems, one major problem is to employ the sensor nodes in such a manner so as to ensure maximum coverage and connectivity with minimal or optimal number of nodes and furthermore elongate network lifetime with maximum energy utilization.
The problem addressed has b ...