iris localization using integro differential operator. The rar contains 5 files in order to computer the integro differential operator of the normalized contour of the iris and puil boundaries and then add circles to the respective boundaries.
Hearing test. It using music card to test left and right ear seperately. It contains graphic iterface[*.fig] and m-file. It works fine with 6.5 version of Matlab.
This document contains a detailed description of the usage and configuration of the JSVM [Joint Scalable Video Model] software for the Scalable Video Coding [SVC] project of the Joint Video Team [JVT] of the ISO/IEC Moving Pictures Experts Group [MPEG] and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group [VCEG] ...
This contains the following topics and more
ADA versus C and Cplus plus
ADA 2005 for High Integrity Systems
Sample programs
This contains the following topics and more
ARM Architecture
Data Processing Instruction
Load and Store instructions
Branching & Exception
ARM Instructions
ARM Architecture for CDAC