This code detects memory leaks in embedded VC++ almost the same way crtdbg does in VC++. At the end of program execution it will display in the debug window if there were any memory leaks and how the memory looks so you can identify where your memory leak occurred. It will display in the debug windo ...
This program prints the C8051F124 die temperature out the hardware UART at 115200bps. This example uses the internal 24.5MHz oscillator multiplied by 2 using the on-chip PLL (SYSCLK = 49MHz).
graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals:
GCC ......... to support all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to.
Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram.
Fast ........ to be "not much" slower than an assembly based native Forth.
Small ... ...