Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Security*
*(but were afraid to ask!)
This document is meant to answer some of the questions which regularly
appear in th
How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!
verry simple.. get the latest version from h**p:// download it , install, restart.
now that it's installed. Click in
Securing WinXP Pro (with what win-xp has to offer)
Note: These are just notes of the changes i made to win-xp pro using win-xp options
after my default install. These changes will not secure your
How to modify *.exe files
learn how to change *.exe files, in 5 easy steps:
1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?
Cause that's for programmers and assembly
Services You Can Disable
There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I s
How to hack/change your Windows XP Boot Screen
This is a very simple trick to do if you have done the same for the logon screen and the start button. T
Converting to NTFS
Your hard drive must be formatted with a file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS so that Windows can be installed on to it. This system determines how files are named, organised a
Because of the security features built into Windows XP, it is virtually impossible to get back into the system without the password.
You have several options to try and get around this problem.
Ever experienced this? You ask Google to look something up; the engine returns with a number of finds, but if you try to open the ones with the most promising content, you are confronted with a regist
Downloading BitTorrent Files
What is BitTorrent in Plain English?
BitTorrent is a program you download. It is similar to a peer-to-peer file sharing service. Basically it goes like this: You do