Dual Boot After The Fact
I want to run both Windows 2000 Pro and Windows 98 SE on my computer. When I bought a new hard drive, I installed Windows 2000 on it first. But my subsequent research seems
"Closing the Net"
Greg Costikyan
[Reproduced with permission from the January 1991 issue of _Reason_
magazine. A one-year subscription (11 issues) is $19.95. Copyright
1991 by the R
How To Find Ftp's The Easy Way'
I use google cuz its the best search engine en everyone can acces .
The easiest search quote is "index of ..."
Some kind of examples are:
index of ftp/ +mp3
news groups the how to do
ok there is a lot to explain and most of it is un needed or more to the point
you wont need it . well at least not to start with . maybe in a
Operating System = Windows 95 Only
Annoyance level = Medium
Damage Level = 0/5
The Objective
The objective is to move the Start button around on the task bar, or to remove it completely from th
Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to it
Mastering The Windows XP Registry
The Recovery Console
The Windows XP Recovery Console is a tool that allows recovery from a number of failures. Previously, all you could do was boot another copy
The Internet is a computer network made up of thousands of networks worldwide. No one knows exactly how many computers are connected to the Internet. It is certain, however, that these number in the m