A Swing frequently asked question is whether Swing supports labels that display multiple lines of text, and the answer is both yes and no. Swing labels are instances of the JLabel class, and JLabel ma
* 07/17/2004
* IconDesktopManager.java - Desktop pane manager that allows the user to
* select multiple internal frames simultaneously (when used with a
* JDesktopPane that also a
* Copyright 1999 Egbert Eich
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
* the
/* This file contains all of the flash support code that does not need
* to be relocated to RAM. Two separate files (flash.c and flashpic.c)
* are maintained because under certain compilers, they m
/* except.c:
* This code handles exceptions that are caught by the exception vectors
* that have been installed by the monitor through vinit().
* General notice:
* This code is part of a bo
/* resetvector.s:
* The PowerPC 403GCX (and others) resets at the top of its 32-bit
* physical memory space at address 0xfffffffc.
* This means that the monitor must be built with a branch instr
/* tfsclean3.c:
* --- NOT READY YET ---
* This version of defragmentation is power-hit safe and requires
* that there be double the amount of flash as is needed for use by
* TFS. The ba
/* bootblock.c:
* This is a single file that contains snippets of code from other portions
* of the monitor. The snippets are duplicated so that no unnecessary
* code is included in this bootbl
/* misc.c:
* This file contains miscellaneous functions that are used by all target
* versions of the monitor.
* General notice:
* This code is part of a boot-monitor package developed as a