Openswan defaults
If you have started Openswan for the first time, this normally generates
a default RSA keypair to use. The public key of that pair needs to be
(securely!) communicated to the other
code is at
The replacements are done in order, one rule at a time. Writing the
regular expressions can be a tricky business. Note that ca
-*- emacs-wiki -*-
This file documents the errors that KLIPS pfkey code will return
on an erroneous write():
* ENOENT - means that a requested algorithm is not available.
* ESRCH - means that an S
-*- emacs-wiki -*-
Pluto has three helpers.
# (PlutoAdns). a DNS resolver that uses libc resolver library, and
therefore doesn't follow CNAMEs, etc.
# (LwDnsQ). a DNS resolver that uses the lwresd
Pluto TODO list
RCSID $Id: TODO,v 1.8 2002/04/24 07:35:44 mcr Exp $
- should all log entries that are for errors say ERROR?
- Add a "plug-in" facility so that others can add features
* routines that are Linux specific
* Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Richardson
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 D. Hugh Redelmeier.
* This program is free software; you can redi
This test case runs on the host, not in a UML. It exists for verification of
lwdnsq under a debugger. It depends upon retriving information from the
It requires that there be a loc