#!/usr/bin/wish -f
# First of all, we create a vertical scrollbar which we attach to the text widget.
# Then we pack them side by side and tell the text window to expand to fill the available
# windo
#!/usr/bin/wish -f
# First of all, we create a vertical scrollbar which we attach to the text widget.
# Then we pack them side by side and tell the text window to expand to fill the available
# windo
* Text structure.
* One allocated per pure
* procedure on swap device.
* Manipulated by text.c
struct text
short x_daddr; /* disk address of segment (relative to swplo) */
short x_size;
// WinHex sample script that converts a Windows text file into a UNIX text file.
// The representation of line breaks differs in both systems.
// Can only be executed by the evaluation version if un