-- Set Text Strings
-- For this example, keep the strings in a table, you could parse a textfile
textstrings = {}
textstrings[0] = "This is text string 0"
textstrings[1] = "Text string 1"
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Text" - Package Owner=
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Appl
A Swing frequently asked question is whether Swing supports labels that display multiple lines of text, and the answer is both yes and no. Swing labels are instances of the JLabel class, and JLabel ma
A Swing frequently asked question is whether Swing supports labels that display multiple lines of text, and the answer is both yes and no. Swing labels are instances of the JLabel class, and JLabel ma
A Swing frequently asked question is whether Swing supports labels that display multiple lines of text, and the answer is both yes and no. Swing labels are instances of the JLabel class, and JLabel ma