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object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 184 Top = 154 Width = 761 Height = 478 Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - working with ProxiSession' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARS
object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 261 Top = 190 Width = 712 Height = 417 Caption = 'Using TCRDBGrid component with ODAC' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.C
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 211 Top = 206 Width = 668 Height = 443 HorzScrollBar.Range = 523 VertScrollBar.Range = 211 ActiveControl = meSQL AutoScroll = False Caption = '
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 201 Top = 136 Width = 674 Height = 440 VertScrollBar.Range = 223 ActiveControl = DBGrid1 AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - u
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 204 Top = 147 Width = 704 Height = 422 VertScrollBar.Range = 250 ActiveControl = DBGrid AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - Or
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 158 Top = 195 Width = 761 Height = 479 VertScrollBar.Range = 82 ActiveControl = btOpen AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - usi
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 184 Top = 165 Width = 774 Height = 446 VertScrollBar.Range = 51 ActiveControl = btClose AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - Or
object fmMain: TfmMain Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 729 Height = 464 Caption = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - Oracle8 BFile field' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font
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