object JvTreeViewAsMenuMainForm: TJvTreeViewAsMenuMainForm Left = 382 Top = 210 Width = 614 Height = 410 Caption = 'JvTreeViewAsMenu (using JvTreeView and JvPageControl)' Color = clB
object JvID3v2MainForm: TJvID3v2MainForm Left = 442 Top = 277 Width = 573 Height = 431 Caption = 'JvID3v2 example' Color = clBtnFace Constraints.MinHeight = 150 Constraints.Min
object frmMain: TfrmMain Left = 196 Top = 107 Width = 673 Height = 539 Caption = 'JVCL TJvBalloonHint Demo' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWind
object JvBalloonHintMainForm: TJvBalloonHintMainForm Left = 237 Top = 147 Width = 673 Height = 539 Caption = 'JVCL TJvBalloonHint Demo' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CH
object frmMain: TfrmMain Left = 251 Top = 110 Width = 620 Height = 400 Caption = 'JvPreviewDocument Demo' Color = clBtnFace Constraints.MinHeight = 400 Constraints.MinWidth = 6
object JvWindowsTitleMainForm: TJvWindowsTitleMainForm Left = 139 Top = 107 Width = 377 Height = 310 Caption = 'Lister Demo' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Fo
object JvShellHookDemoMainForm: TJvShellHookDemoMainForm Left = 333 Top = 148 Width = 540 Height = 280 Hint = 'Try opening and closing programs, move focus between application' +
object JvShellHookDemoMainForm: TJvShellHookDemoMainForm Left = 229 Top = 147 Width = 545 Height = 282 Caption = 'JvShellHook Demo' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSE
object JvComputerInfoExDemoFrm: TJvComputerInfoExDemoFrm Left = 370 Top = 161 Width = 585 Height = 448 Caption = 'JvComputerInfoEx Demo' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_C
object fBouncingBalls: TfBouncingBalls Left = 339 Top = 149 Width = 500 Height = 518 Caption = 'Bouncing Balls' Color = clBtnFace DefaultMonitor = dmDesktop Font.Charset = DEFA
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