// color.h
#ifndef COLOR_H
#define COLOR_H
#include "params.h"
/** Defines an RGB color. Every component is a double at the range [0.0, 1.0].
function [c]=color(i)
% COLOR returns the one of 7 color (modulo)
% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague, http://cmp.fel
function [c]=color(i)
% COLOR returns the one of 7 color (modulo)
% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague, http://cmp.fel
/* COLOR, Graph Coloring Problem */
/* Written in GNU MathProg by Andrew Makhorin */
/* Given an undirected loopless graph G = (V, E), where V is a set of
nodes, E