function X = center(X)
% CENTER Center the observations of a data matrix.
% X = CENTER(X) centers the observations of an nxp data matrix where n
% is the number of observations and p is the
function K = center(Ktst,Ktrn)
%CENTER Center the kernel matrix
% Center the kernel matrix KTST in the kernelspace defined by KTRN.
% author =
function wc = center(map,wc)
%CENTER Conformal center of Schwarz-Christoffel disk map.
% CENTER(M) returns the conformal center (image of 0) of the
% Schwarz-Christoffel disk map represented by
function wc = center(map,wc)
%CENTER Conformal center of Schwarz-Christoffel disk map.
% CENTER(M) returns the conformal center (image of 0) of the
% Schwarz-Christoffel disk map represented by
function wc = center(M,wc)
%CENTER Conformal center of Schwarz-Christoffel disk map.
% CENTER(M) returns the conformal center (image of 0) of the
% Schwarz-Christoffel crossratio disk map repre