email: jeru@163.net
日期:7/3/2001 9:55:32 AM
5)Operators and Assignments
Objective 1)
Determine the result of applying any operator including assignment operators and instanceof to operands
email: jeru@163.net
日期:7/3/2001 10:00:19 AM
2) Flow control and exception Handling
Objective 1)
Write code using if and switch statements and identify legal argument types for these stat
package inter;
import lexer.*; import symbols.*;
public class And extends Logical {
public And(Token tok, Expr x1, Expr x2) { super(tok, x1, x2); }
public void jumping(int t, int f) {
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function F = and(X,Y)
% Internal class for constraint list
% Author Johan L鰂berg
% $Id: and.m,v 1.2 2004/07/19 13:54:35 johanl Exp $
if isa(X,'sdpvar')
X = true(X);
if isa(Y,'sdpvar