function varargout = and(varargin)
%ANd (overloaded)
% z = and(x,y)
% z = x & y
% The AND operator is implemented using the concept of nonlinear operators
% in YALMIP. X|Y defines
function F = and(X,Y)
% Internal class for constraint list
% Author Johan L鰂berg
% $Id: and.m,v 1.2 2004/07/19 13:54:35 johanl Exp $
if isa(X,'sdpvar')
X = true(X);
if isa(Y,'sdpvar
function varargout = and(varargin)
%ANd (overloaded)
% z = and(x,y)
% z = x & y
% The AND operator is implemented using the concept of nonlinear operators
% in YALMIP. X|Y defines
function c = and(a,b)
if isa(a,'dataset') & ~isa(b,'dataset')
c = a.d & b;
elseif ~isa(a,'dataset') & isa(b,'dataset')
c = a & b.d;
c = a.d & b.d;