// server.cpp,v 1.4 2002/01/29 20:20:40 okellogg Exp
#include "../Simple_util.h"
#include "Server_i.h"
// This is the main driver program for the time and date server.
main (int argc, cha
# server.bor,v 1.3 2003/12/20 14:05:46 jwillemsen Exp
# Makefile for building the ior_corbaloc server
NAME = server
TAO_IDL = $(CORE_BINDIR)\tao_idl -g $(CORE_BINDIR)\gperf.exe -Ge 1
# server.bor,v 1.5 2003/12/20 14:05:46 jwillemsen Exp
# Makefile for building the Content_Server SMI_Iterator example
NAME = server
TAO_IDL = $(CORE_BINDIR)\tao_idl -g $(CORE_BINDIR)\g
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="POA Adapter Activator Server" - Package Owner=
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TA