function out=prop1(in,w,b);
% Propagates an input vector
% through one layer of a network
% call:
% [out]=prop(in,w);
% w = weight matrix
% b = bias weights (column vector. Same
## -- process indication though a propeller
## Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Ralf S. Engelschall, All Rights Reserved.
for dir in `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/:/ /g
function fm_wcall
%FM_WCALL writes the function FM_CALL for the component calls.
% and uses the information in Comp.prop for setting
% the right calls. Comp.prop is organized as follow
function out=prop1(in,w,b);
% Propagates an input vector
% through one layer of a network
% call:
% [out]=prop(in,w);
% w = weight matrix
% b = bias weights (column vector. Same
function out=prop1(in,w,b);
% Propagates an input vector
% through one layer of a network
% call:
% [out]=prop(in,w);
% w = weight matrix
% b = bias weights (column vector. Same