email: zergman@chinaasp.com
日期:2001-6-15 13:32:31
[b]将 Microsoft 的 Internet Information Server 用作 Java servlet 引擎[/b]
[b]用 Microsoft 的 IIS 运行 Java servlet -- 而不牺牲可移植性[/b]
Thomas E. D
To disable the stupid feature in WinXP which tries to send a report to microsoft every time a program crashes you will have to do this:
Microsoft's Really Hidden Files: A New Look At Forensics. (v2.5b)
By The Riddler
October 14, 2001 (v2.0 finished May 16, 2001; v1.0 finished June 11, 2000)
Written with Windows 9x in mind, but