email: zergman@chinaasp.com
日期:2001-6-15 13:32:31
[b]将 Microsoft 的 Internet Information Server 用作 Java servlet 引擎[/b]
[b]用 Microsoft 的 IIS 运行 Java servlet -- 而不牺牲可移植性[/b]
Thomas E. D
Some parts of SAENARU are based on sample codes from Microsoft Windows
DDK XP's. As long as you use or distribute SAENARU as SOURCE FORM, you
must agree the following Microsoft End User License
C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CS\GPS\bin\Debug\Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Samples.Location.dll
C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CS\GPS\bin\Debug\Microsoft.
email: sonymusic@china.com
日期:2000-12-6 23:50:12
将 Microsoft 的 Internet Information Server 用作 Java servlet 引擎
用 Microsoft 的 IIS 运行 Java servlet -- 而不牺牲可移植性
Thomas E. Davis