function last = end(P,k,n)
% END - find final subscript
% last = end(P,k,n)
% This routine is not meant to be called by the user.
% It is called by Matlab internally when a subsc
10 REM END.BAS -- Test END Statement
20 PRINT "END.BAS -- Test END Statement"
30 PRINT "If the program ends after this line, END worked OK."
40 END
50 PRINT "But if this line printed, then it did
function e = end(X,k,n)
%END Last index of indexing expression for tensor.
% The expression X(end,:,:) will call END(X,1,3) to determine
% the value of the first index.
% See also TENS
function e = end(X,k,n)
%END Last index of indexing expression for sptenmat.
% The expression X(end,:) will call END(X,1,2) to determine
% the value of the first index.
% See also SPTENMAT,
function e = end(X,k,n)
%END Last index of indexing expression for sparse tensor.
% The expression X(end,:,:) will call END(X,1,3) to determine
% the value of the first index.
% See al
function e = end(X,k,n)
%END Last index of indexing expression for tenmat.
% The expression X(end,:) will call END(X,1,2) to determine
% the value of the first index.
% See also TENMAT, TENM