* arch/s390/kernel/debug.c
* S/390 debug facility
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH,
* IBM Corporation
* Author(s): Michael Ho
/* @(#) debug.h 2.1 87/12/25 12:22:02 */
The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
-- Rahul Dhesi 1986/11/14
defines conditional func
package B::Debug;
use strict;
use B qw(peekop class walkoptree walkoptree_exec
main_start main_root cstring sv_undef);
use B::Asmdata qw(@specialsv_name);
my %done_gv;
sub B::OP::debug {
* $Id: Debug.java,v 1.2 2005/01/31 05:27:54 jdon Exp $
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