;** G.723.1 speech encoder main.asm
.include "const.inc"
.include "global.inc"
.bss is_g723_coder,1
.global _rtdx_init,_rtdx_close,_main,is_g723_coder
.ref _init_des,is_new_data,is_send_data,_c_int00
.ref AD_Buffer,DA_Buffer,_send_data_to_pc,_READ_DATA
.ref is_read
.ref _SWI_post,G723_CODER,G723_DECODE
.global _idl_g723_loop,_process_g723_decoder,_process_g723_coder
SIZE_FRAME .set 240
;Stack_Beg: .sect "STACK_SEG"
; .space 1792*16
;addr_record .usect ".debug",0x400
; stm #Stack_Beg+0x700,SP
frame -1
pshm st1
pshm st0
stm #K_ST0, ST0
stm #K_ST1, ST1
ssbx INTM ; close all int !
call Init_Coder
call Init_Decod
; call _rtdx_init
call _init_des
st #1,*(__first) ; for debug DES !
st #0,*(is_g723_coder)
st #1 , *(UseVx)
st #1 , *(Cod_UseHp)
st #0 , *(Crc)
st #1 , *(UsePf)
st #0 , *(WrkRate) ; 1:Rate53, 0:Rate63
st #0 , *(is_read) ; 1: RTDX has read !
;rsbx intm ; enable all int
popm st0
popm st1
frame 1
; The following codes are used in IDL_LOOP
frame -1
pshm st0
pshm st1
bitf *(is_new_data),#1 ; test is_new_data == 1 ?
bc con_coder,ntc ; ==1, then call P_FUN ! new AD data in new_ad(0x64)
calld _SWI_post
ld #G723_CODER,a
cmpm *(is_g723_coder),#1 ; if is_g723_coder == 1, has been save CODER data !
bc con_decoder,ntc
calld _SWI_post
ld #G723_DECODE,a
popm st1
popm st0
frame 1
;b wait_data
; The following codes are used to G723_CODER
frame -1
pshm st0
pshm st1
stm #K_ST0, ST0
stm #K_ST1, ST1
st #0,*(is_new_data)
call Coder
st #1,*(is_g723_coder)
; ld #Vout,a ; send G723_CODER from RTDX !
; call _send_data_to_pc
call compress_data
popm st1
popm st0
frame 1
; The following codes are used to G723_DECODE
frame -1
pshm st0
pshm st1
stm #K_ST0, ST0
stm #K_ST1, ST1
st #0,*(is_g723_coder)
; stm #Vout,ar0
; rpt #24-1
; mvdk *ar0+,#Vinp
call de_compress_data
ld *(Crc) , A
call Decod
st #1,*(is_send_data) ; have decoder data !
st #0,*(__first) ; for debug DES !
popm st1
popm st0
frame 1
; if in interupt, must save ah,al,ag !
pshm ag
pshm ah
pshm al
pshm ar2
pshm ar3
stm #11,brc ; repeat times 12 !
stm #Vout,ar2
mvmm ar2,ar3
rptb compress_again
ld *ar2+,a
sftl a,8
or *ar2+,a
stl a,*ar3+
popm ar3
popm ar2
popm al
popm ah
popm ag
pshm ag
pshm ah
pshm al
pshm ar2
pshm ar3
stm #11,brc ; repeat times 12 !
stm #Vout,ar2
stm #Vinp,ar3
mar *+ar2(11)
mar *+ar3(23)
rptb de_compress_again
ld *ar2,a
and #0ffh,a ; save low 8 bits
stl a,*ar3-
ld *ar2-,a
and #0ff00h,a
sftl a,-8
stl a,*ar3-
popm ar3
popm ar2
popm al
popm ah
popm ag
;end of main.asm