; to be included by the crt*.s files
; initialize stacks
; set the hardware stack to ram_end, and the software stack some
; bytes below that
ldi R28, ldi R29,>ram_end
out $3D,R28
out $3E,R29
subi R28, sbci R29,>hwstk_size
ldi R16,0xAA ; sentenial
std Y+0,R16 ; put sentenial at bottom of HW stack
clr R0
ldi R30, ldi R31,>__bss_start
ldi R17,>__bss_end
; this loop zeros out all the data in the bss area
cpi R30, cpc R31,R17
breq init_done
st Z+,R0
rjmp init_loop
std Z+0,R16 ; put sentenial at bottom of SW stack
; copy data from idata to data
; idata contains the initialized values of the global variables
ldi R30, ldi R31,>__idata_start
ldi R26, ldi R27,>__data_start
ldi R17,>__idata_end
cpi R30, cpc R31,R17
breq copy_done
lpm ; load (Z) byte into R0
adiw R30,1
st X+,R0
rjmp copy_loop