源代码在线查看: replaceremoteurl.asp
'作 用:替换字符串中的远程文件为本地文件并保存远程文件
'参 数:
' sHTML : 要替换的字符串
' sSavePath : 保存文件的路径
' sExt : 执行替换的扩展名
Function eWebEditor_ReplaceRemoteUrl(sHTML, sSavePath, sExt)
Dim s_Content
s_Content = sHTML
If eWebEditor_IsObjInstalled("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") = False then
eWebEditor_ReplaceRemoteUrl = s_Content
Exit Function
End If
If sSavePath = "" Then sSavePath = "/eWebEditor/UploadFile/"
If sExt = "" Then sExt = "jpg|gif|bmp|png"
Dim re, RemoteFile, RemoteFileurl, SaveFileName, SaveFileType, ranNum
Set re = new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "((http|https|ftp|rtsp|mms):(\/\/|\\\\){1}((\w)+[.]){1,}(net|com|cn|org|cc|tv|[0-9]{1,3})(\S*\/)((\S)+[.]{1}(" & sExt & ")))"
Set RemoteFile = re.Execute(s_Content)
For Each RemoteFileurl in RemoteFile
SaveFileType = Mid(RemoteFileurl, InstrRev(RemoteFileurl, ".") + 1)
ranNum = Int(900 * Rnd) + 100
SaveFileName = sSavePath & year(now) & month(now) & day(now) & hour(now) & minute(now) & second(now) & ranNum & "." & SaveFileType
Call eWebEditor_SaveRemoteFile(SaveFileName, RemoteFileurl)
s_Content = Replace(s_Content,RemoteFileurl,SaveFileName)
eWebEditor_ReplaceRemoteUrl = s_Content
End Function
'作 用:保存远程的文件到本地
'参 数:LocalFileName ------ 本地文件名
' RemoteFileUrl ------ 远程文件URL
'返回值:True ----成功
' False ----失败
Sub eWebEditor_SaveRemoteFile(s_LocalFileName,s_RemoteFileUrl)
Dim Ads, Retrieval, GetRemoteData
On Error Resume Next
Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
With Retrieval
.Open "Get", s_RemoteFileUrl, False, "", ""
GetRemoteData = .ResponseBody
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
Set Ads = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With Ads
.Type = 1
.Write GetRemoteData
.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(s_LocalFileName), 2
End With
Set Ads=nothing
End Sub
'作 用:检查组件是否已经安装
'参 数:strClassString ----组件名
'返回值:True ----已经安装
' False ----没有安装
Function eWebEditor_IsObjInstalled(s_ClassString)
On Error Resume Next
eWebEditor_IsObjInstalled = False
Err = 0
Dim xTestObj
Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(s_ClassString)
If 0 = Err Then eWebEditor_IsObjInstalled = True
Set xTestObj = Nothing
Err = 0
End Function