
源代码在线查看: sender.java

软件大小: 9606 K
上传用户: chengshengwu123
关键词: Applet JAVA API
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/*				 * 1.0 code.				 */								import java.applet.*;				import java.awt.*;				import java.util.Enumeration;								public class Sender extends Applet {				    private String myName;				    private TextField nameField;				    private TextArea status;								    public void init() {				        GridBagLayout gridBag = new GridBagLayout();				        GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();								        setLayout(gridBag);								        Label receiverLabel = new Label("Receiver name:", Label.RIGHT);				        gridBag.setConstraints(receiverLabel, c);				        add(receiverLabel);								        nameField = new TextField(getParameter("RECEIVERNAME"), 10);				        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;				        gridBag.setConstraints(nameField, c);				        add(nameField);								        Button button = new Button("Send message");				        c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row				        c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; //stick to the text field				        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; //keep the button small				        gridBag.setConstraints(button, c);				        add(button);								        status = new TextArea(5, 60);				        status.setEditable(false);				        c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; //reset to the default				        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; //make this big				        c.weightx = 1.0;				        c.weighty = 1.0;				        gridBag.setConstraints(status, c);				        add(status);								        myName = getParameter("NAME");				        Label senderLabel = new Label("(My name is " + myName + ".)", 				                                Label.CENTER);				        c.weightx = 0.0;				        c.weighty = 0.0;				        gridBag.setConstraints(senderLabel, c);				        add(senderLabel);								        validate();				    }								    public boolean action(Event event, Object o) {				        Applet receiver = null;				        String receiverName = nameField.getText(); //Get name to search for.				        receiver = getAppletContext().getApplet(receiverName);				        if (receiver != null) {					    //Use the instanceof operator to make sure the applet					    //we found is a Receiver object.				            if (!(receiver instanceof Receiver)) {				                status.appendText("Found applet named "				                                  + receiverName + ", "				                                  + "but it's not a Receiver object.\n");				            } else {				                status.appendText("Found applet named "				                                  + receiverName + ".\n"				                                  + "  Sending message to it.\n");						//Cast the receiver to be a Receiver object						//(instead of just an Applet object) so that the						//compiler will let us call a Receiver method.				                ((Receiver)receiver).processRequestFrom(myName);				            }				        } else {				            status.appendText("Couldn't find any applet named "				                              + receiverName + ".\n");				        }				        return false;								    }								    public Insets insets() {				        return new Insets(3,3,3,3);				    }								    public void paint(Graphics g) {				        g.drawRect(0, 0, size().width - 1, size().height - 1);				    }								    public String getAppletInfo() {				        return "Sender by Kathy Walrath";				    }				}							
