% NMM Toolbox: routines for least squares fitting of curves to data
% conductFit LS fit of conductivity data for Copper at low temperatures
% cuconBasis1 Basis fcns for conductivity model: 1/k = c1/T + c2*T^2
% cuconBasis2 Basis fcns for conductivity model: 1/k = c1/T + c2*T + c3*T^2
% demoExpFit Fit exponentially decay of capacitor voltage
% demoFanCurve Multivariate fit of fan data: dp = f(q,v)
% demoH2OSat Fit saturation pressure versus temperature for water
% demoPlaneFit Least squares fit of data to a plane: z = f(x,y)
% demoSiCmod Least squares fit of bulk modulus of SiC versus temperature
% demoTcouple Linear and quadratic fits to thermocouple data with polyfit
% demoXexp Demonstrate fit of synthetic data to y = c1*x*exp(c2*x).
% fitnorm Least squares fitting via solution to the normal equations
% fitqr Least squares fitting via solution of overdetermined system with QR
% linefit Least squares fit of data to y = a*x + b
% lineTest Script that uses linefit to fit four data points to a line
% xexpfit Least squares fit of data to y = c1*x*exp(c2*x)
% xinvpxBasis Matrix with columns evaluated with 1/x and x
% xinvpxfit Least squares fit of synthetic data to y = c1/x + c2*x