"build.xml" Complex ANT build script for Http
"desc.btm" creates 4NT file descriptions
"DESCRIPT.ION" 4NT file descriptions
"Fetch.class" compiled Java byte code
"Fetch.java" Fetch HTTP or HTTPS
"Get.class" compiled Java byte code
"Get.java" Fetch a page from a website with HTTP GET
"Head.class" compiled Java byte code
"Head.java" HTTP HEAD to test if url exists
"Http.class" compiled Java byte code
"http.jar" Http jarred class files: HTTP library to do CGI GET/POST
"Http.java" Base class for Get, Post, Probe
"http.use" precis(summary) of the Http project: HTTP library to do CGI GET/POST
"http.xml" ASP PAD desc of the Http project: HTTP library to do CGI GET/POST
"http19.zip" Http 1.9 distribute zip: HTTP library to do CGI GET/POST
"httpicon128.png" roughly 128x128 icon for the Http project
"httpicon16.png" 16x16 icon for the Http project
"httpicon32.png" 32x32 icon for the Http project
"httpicon48.png" roughly 48x48 icon for the Http project
"httpicon64.png" roughly 64x64 icon for the Http project
"httppaddesc.html" HTML ASP PAD description of the Http project
"httpscreenshot.png" screenshot for the Http project
"MANIFEST.TXT" List of all files for Http, with one line descriptions.
"MasterDistribution.site" URL to get the master copy of the Http project files
"Post.class" compiled Java byte code
"Post.java" Fetch a page from a website with HTTP POST
"Probe.class" compiled Java byte code
"Probe.java" Test if a URL exists
"Read.class" compiled Java byte code
"Read.java" aux methods for reading from a website
"rebuild.xml" Simplified ANT build script for Http without code for redistribution
"Request.class" compiled Java byte code
"Request.java" aux methods for preparing HTTP parms
"untouch.digest" enables untouching (set date back) unchanged but redated files.
"use.txt" key facts about the Http project. Generates http.txt
"version.txt" key version info about the Http project. Generates http.txt