
源代码在线查看: button.tcl

软件大小: 394 K
上传用户: lingyun579
关键词: verilog TCL TK 集成
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  button.tcl				#  This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Index of commands:				#   Public commands				#     - Button::create				#     - Button::configure				#     - Button::cget				#     - Button::invoke				#   Private commands (event bindings)				#     - Button::_destroy				#     - Button::_enter				#     - Button::_leave				#     - Button::_press				#     - Button::_release				#     - Button::_repeat				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------								namespace eval Button {				    Widget::tkinclude Button button :cmd \				        remove {-command -relief -text -textvariable -underline}								    Widget::declare Button {				        {-name            String "" 0}				        {-text            String "" 0}				        {-textvariable    String "" 0}				        {-underline       Int    -1 0 {=-1}}				        {-armcommand      String "" 0}				        {-disarmcommand   String "" 0}				        {-command         String "" 0}				        {-repeatdelay     Int    0  0 {=0 ""}}				        {-repeatinterval  Int    0  0 {=0 ""}}				        {-relief          Enum   raised  0 {raised sunken flat ridge solid groove link}}				    }								    DynamicHelp::include Button balloon								    Widget::syncoptions Button "" :cmd {-text {} -underline {}}								    variable _current ""				    variable _pressed ""								    bind BwButton            {Button::_enter %W}				    bind BwButton            {Button::_leave %W}				    bind BwButton    {Button::_press %W}				    bind BwButton  {Button::_release %W}				    bind BwButton        {Button::invoke %W; break}				    bind BwButton           {Button::invoke %W; break}				    bind BwButton          {Widget::destroy %W; rename %W {}}								    proc ::Button { path args } { return [eval Button::create $path $args] }				    proc use {} {}				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::create				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::create { path args } {				    Widget::init Button $path $args								    set relief [Widget::getoption $path -relief]				    if { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				        set relief "flat"				    }								    set var [Widget::getoption $path -textvariable]				    if {  ![string length $var] } {				        set desc [BWidget::getname [Widget::getoption $path -name]]				        if { [llength $desc] } {				            set text  [lindex $desc 0]				            set under [lindex $desc 1]				            Widget::setoption $path -text $text				            Widget::setoption $path -underline $under				        } else {				            set text  [Widget::getoption $path -text]				            set under [Widget::getoption $path -underline]				        }				    } else {				        set under -1				        set text  ""				        Widget::setoption $path -underline $under				    }								    eval button $path [Widget::subcget $path :cmd] \				        [list -relief $relief -text $text -underline $under -textvariable $var]				    bindtags $path [list $path BwButton [winfo toplevel $path] all]								    set accel [string tolower [string index $text $under]]				    if { $accel != "" } {				        bind [winfo toplevel $path]  "Button::invoke $path"				    }								    DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path 1								    rename $path ::$path:cmd				    proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval Button::\$cmd $path \$args\]"								    return $path				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::configure				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::configure { path args } {				    set oldunder [$path:cmd cget -underline]				    if { $oldunder != -1 } {				        set oldaccel [string tolower [string index [$path:cmd cget -text] $oldunder]]				    } else {				        set oldaccel ""				    }				    set res [Widget::configure $path $args]								    set rc [Widget::hasChanged $path -relief relief]				    set sc [Widget::hasChanged $path -state  state]								    if { $rc || $sc } {				        if { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				            if { ![string compare $state "active"] } {				                set relief "raised"				            } else {				                set relief "flat"				            }				        }				        $path:cmd configure -relief $relief -state $state				    }								    set cv [Widget::hasChanged $path -textvariable var]				    set cn [Widget::hasChanged $path -name name]				    set ct [Widget::hasChanged $path -text text]				    set cu [Widget::hasChanged $path -underline under]								    if { $cv || $cn || $ct || $cu } {				        if {  ![string length $var] } {				            set desc [BWidget::getname $name]				            if { [llength $desc] } {				                set text  [lindex $desc 0]				                set under [lindex $desc 1]				            }				        } else {				            set under -1				            set text  ""				        }				        set top [winfo toplevel $path]				        bind $top  {}				        set accel [string tolower [string index $text $under]]				        if { $accel != "" } {				            bind $top  "Button::invoke $path"				        }				        $path:cmd configure -text $text -underline $under -textvariable $var				    }				    DynamicHelp::sethelp $path $path								    return $res				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::cget				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::cget { path option } {				    return [Widget::cget $path $option]				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::invoke				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::invoke { path } {				    if { [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] } {					$path:cmd configure -state active -relief sunken					update idletasks				        if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				        }					after 100				        set relief [Widget::getoption $path -relief]				        if { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				            set relief flat				        }					$path:cmd configure \				            -state  [Widget::getoption $path -state] \				            -relief $relief				        if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -disarmcommand]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				        }				        if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -command]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				        }				    }				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::_enter				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::_enter { path } {				    variable _current				    variable _pressed								    set _current $path				    if { [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] } {				        $path:cmd configure -state active				        if { $_pressed == $path } {				            $path:cmd configure -relief sunken				        } elseif { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path -relief] "link"] } {				            $path:cmd configure -relief raised				        }				    }				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::_leave				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::_leave { path } {				    variable _current				    variable _pressed								    set _current ""				    if { [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] } {				        $path:cmd configure -state [Widget::getoption $path -state]				        set relief [Widget::getoption $path -relief]				        if { $_pressed == $path } {				            if { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				                set relief raised				            }				            $path:cmd configure -relief $relief				        } elseif { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				            $path:cmd configure -relief flat				        }				    }				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::_press				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::_press { path } {				    variable _pressed								    if { [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] } {				        set _pressed $path					$path:cmd configure -relief sunken				        if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				            if { [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatdelay]]    > 0 ||				                 [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatinterval]] > 0 } {				                after $delay "Button::_repeat $path"				            }				        }				    }				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::_release				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::_release { path } {				    variable _current				    variable _pressed								    if { $_pressed == $path } {				        set _pressed ""				        set relief [Widget::getoption $path -relief]				        if { ![string compare $relief "link"] } {				            set relief raised				        }				        $path:cmd configure -relief $relief				        if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -disarmcommand]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				        }				        if { $_current == $path &&				             [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] &&				             [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -command]] != "" } {				            uplevel \#0 $cmd				        }				    }				}												# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  Command Button::_repeat				# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------				proc Button::_repeat { path } {				    variable _current				    variable _pressed								    if { $_current == $path && $_pressed == $path &&				         [string compare [$path:cmd cget -state] "disabled"] &&				         [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path -armcommand]] != "" } {				        uplevel \#0 $cmd				    }				    if { $_pressed == $path &&				         ([set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatinterval]] > 0 ||				          [set delay [Widget::getoption $path -repeatdelay]]    > 0) } {				        after $delay "Button::_repeat $path"				    }				}											
