* $RCSfile: index.jsp,v $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* $Date: 2000/12/18 02:04:56 $
// customize the look of this page
// Colors of the table that displays a list of forums
final static String forumTableBgcolor = "#cccccc";
final static String forumTableFgcolor = "#ffffff";
final static String forumTableHeaderFgcolor = "#eeeeee";
// Logout a user if requested
// check for the parameter "logout=true"
if( ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request,"logout") ) {
// invalidate their authentication token
// redirect them to the page from where they came
// Authorization check
// check for the existence of an authorization token
Authorization authToken = SkinUtils.getUserAuthorization(request,response);
// if the token was null, they're not authorized. Since this skin will
// allow guests to view forums, we'll set a "guest" authentication
// token
if( authToken == null ) {
authToken = AuthorizationFactory.getAnonymousAuthorization();
// page forum variables
// do not delete these
ForumFactory forumFactory = ForumFactory.getInstance(authToken);
User user = forumFactory.getProfileManager().getUser(authToken.getUserID());
long userLastVisitedTime = SkinUtils.getLastVisited(request,response);
// Header file include
// The header file looks for the variable "title"
String title = "Jive Forums: Example Skin";
// Breadcrumb bar
// The breadcrumb file looks for the variable "breadcrumbs" which
// represents a navigational path, ie "Home > My Forum > Hello World"
String[][] breadcrumbs = {
{ "Home", "" }
// Toolbar
// The toolbar file looks for the following variables. To make a particular
// "button" not appear, set a variable to null.
boolean showToolbar = true;
String viewLink = null;
String postLink = null;
String replyLink = null;
String searchLink = null;
// we can show a link to a user account if the user is logged in (handled
// in the toolbar jsp)
String accountLink = "userAccount.jsp";
// customize which forums are displayed on this page
// There are two ways to decide which forums get diplayed to the user
// 1. Display a list of all forums the current user has permission to
// view. For instance, if there are 4 forums in the system and
// a "guest" has authorization to view 2 of them, then just those
// two forums will be displayed. This works the same way for
// registered users -- they'll only see the forums they have
// access to.
// 2. Specify by name which forums to display. Again, if there are
// 4 forums in the system and you specify all forums by name and
// the skin user has access to only 2 of them, then only 2 forums
// will be displayed
// Set the following boolean variable to "false" to display a list
// of forums in the system (case 1) or set it to "true" to specify
// a list of forums by name (case 2)
boolean loadForumsByName = false;
// If you choose to load forums by name, specify the names by
// adding them to the following list of forum names:
ArrayList forumNames = new ArrayList(0);
if( loadForumsByName ) {
forumNames.add( "First Forum" );
forumNames.add( "Another Forum" );
// check for messages
// we might come to this page from another page and that page might
// pass us a message. If so, grab it and display it (also remove it from persistence)
String message = SkinUtils.retrieve(request,response,"message",true);
if( message != null ) {
if( !user.isAnonymous() ) { %>
Welcome back, !
(If you're not , click here.)
Forum Name
Last Updated
// Note:
// the following java code should not be modified -- changing html is ok.
// The iterator we use to loop through forums
Iterator forumIterator;
if( loadForumsByName ) {
forumIterator = forumNames.iterator();
else {
forumIterator = forumFactory.forums();
// loop through forums, display forum info:
if( !forumIterator.hasNext() ) {
Sorry, there are no forums in the Jive system. Please have your forum administrator create some.
boolean forumLoaded = false;
while( forumIterator.hasNext() ) {
Forum forum;
// since loading a forum could throw an unauthorized exception, we
// should catch it so we can skip this forum and try to load another
// forum
try {
if( loadForumsByName ) {
forum = forumFactory.getForum( (String)forumIterator.next() );
else {
forum = (Forum)forumIterator.next();
forumLoaded = true;
int forumID = forum.getID();
String forumName = forum.getName();
String forumDescription = forum.getDescription();
int threadCount = forum.getThreadCount();
int messageCount = forum.getMessageCount();
Date creationDate = forum.getCreationDate();
Date modifiedDate = forum.getModifiedDate();
boolean wasModified = (userLastVisitedTime < modifiedDate.getTime());
// if no forums were successfully loaded, print out a "error, no
// permissions" message
if( !forumLoaded ) {
Sorry, you don't have permission to view any forums.
// page footer