The acegi-security-doc team is pleased to announce the Acegi Security System for Spring 0.8.2 release! Acegi Security System for Spring Changes in this version include: Fixed bugs: o Correct location of AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor in clientContext.xml o TokenBasedRememberMeServices changed to use long instead of int for tokenValiditySeconds (SPR-807) o Handle null Authentication.getAuthorities() in AuthorizeTag o PasswordDaoAuthenticationProvider no longer stores String against Authentication.setDetails() Changes: o Update commons-codec dependency to 1.3 o AbstractProcessingFilter no longer has setters for failures, it uses the exceptionMappings property o Update to match Spring 1.2-RC2 official JAR dependencies o AuthenticationProcessingFilter now provides an obtainUsername method o Correct PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap compatibility with Spring 1.2-RC2 o Refactoring to leverage Spring's Assert class and mocks where possible Have fun! -The acegi-security-doc team