%IMAGE Image display, no menubar % % h = image(A,n) % % Displays all images stored in the dataset A. The standard Matlab % image-command is used, so scaling has to be done manually. % The number of horizontal images is determined by n. If n is not % given an approximately square window is generated. % % Note that A should be defined by the dataset command, such that % imheight is set correctly (vertical number of pixels for a single % image. % % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, duin@ph.tn.tudelft.nl % Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function h = imagesc(a,nx) if nargin < 2, nx = []; end clf; cla; [m,k] = size(a); im = data2im(a); [y,x,nim] = size(im); if isempty(nx) for nx=1:m ny = ceil(nim/nx); if (ny*y) end else ny = ceil(nim/nx); end hh = []; for jy = 1:ny for jx =1:nx j = (jy-1)*nx + jx; if j>nim, break; end aim = reshape(im(:,:,j),y,x); hh=[hh image([1+(jx-1)*x jx*x],[1+(jy-1)*y jy*y],aim)]; hold on end end axis([1 nx*x 1 ny*y]); V=get(gcf,'position'); V4 = [ny*y*V(3)/(nx*x)]; V(2) = V(2) + V(4) - V4; V(4) = V4; colormap('gray'); set(gcf,'position',V); set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1]); axis off; set(gcf,'menubar','none'); if nargout > 0, h = hh; end hold off;