This file is part of Orange.
Orange is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Orange is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Orange; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Authors: Janez Demsar, Blaz Zupan, 1996--2002
Contact: janez.demsar@fri.uni-lj.si
#ifndef __TABLE_HPP
#define __TABLE_HPP
#include "examplegen.hpp"
#include "random.hpp"
class TFilter;
// Example generator which stores examples in STL's vector.
class ORANGE_API TExampleTable : public TExampleGenerator {
TExample **examples;
TExample **_Last, **_EndSpace;
PRandomGenerator randomGenerator; //P random generator used by randomExample
PExampleGenerator lock; //PR the real owner of examples
bool ownsExamples; //PR if false, examples in this table are references to examples in another table
// Iterates through examples of basevector
#define baseITERATE(x) ITERATE(vector, x, examples)
TExampleTable(PDomain, bool owns = true);
TExampleTable(PExampleGenerator orig, bool owns = true); // also copies examples
TExampleTable(PDomain, PExampleGenerator orig, bool filterMetas = false); // owns = true (cannot change domain of references); copies examples
TExampleTable(PExampleGenerator lock, int); // owns = false; pass anything for int; this constructor locks, but does not copy
TExampleTable(PExampleGeneratorList tables);
/* ExampleTable has some vector-like behaviour */
TExample &at(const int &i);
const TExample &at(const int &i) const;
TExample &back();
const TExample &back() const;
bool empty() const;
TExample &front();
const TExample &front() const;
TExample &operator[](const int &i);
const TExample &operator[](const int &i) const;
void reserve(const int &i);
void growTable();
void shrinkTable();
int size() const;
void erase(const int &sti);
void erase(const int &sti, const int &eni);
void push_back(TExample *x);
void erase(TExample **ptr);
void erase(TExample **fromPtr, TExample **toPtr);
void insert(const int &sti, const TExample &ex);
TExample &new_example();
void delete_last();
int traverse(visitproc visit, void *arg) const;
int dropReferences();
virtual TExampleIterator begin();
bool randomExample(TExample &);
virtual void changeDomain(PDomain, bool filterMetas = false);
virtual void increaseIterator(TExampleIterator &);
virtual void copyIterator(const TExampleIterator &, TExampleIterator &);
virtual bool sameIterators(const TExampleIterator &, const TExampleIterator &);
bool remove(TExampleIterator &it);
TValue operator ()(const TExample &);
virtual int numberOfExamples();
virtual float weightOfExamples(const int &weightID = 0) const;
virtual void addExample(const TExample &, bool filterMetas = false);
virtual void addExample(TExample *);
virtual void addExamples(PExampleGenerator orig, bool filterMetas = false);
virtual bool removeExamples (TFilter &);
virtual bool removeExample (TExample &);
virtual bool removeCompatible(TExample &);
virtual void removeDuplicates(const int &weightID=0);
virtual void clear();
void sort();
void sort(vector &sortOrder);
void sortByPointers();
virtual void addMetaAttribute(const int &id, const TValue &value);
virtual void copyMetaAttribute(const int &id, const int &source, TValue &defaultVal);
virtual void removeMetaAttribute(const int &id);
virtual int checkSum() const;
/* Returns example generator which can be referenced.
Function simply stores examples into TExampleTable if needed */
inline PExampleGenerator fixedExamples(PExampleGenerator gen)
{ return (&*gen->begin()==&*gen->begin()) ? gen : PExampleGenerator(mlnew TExampleTable(gen)); }
/* Stores examples into TExampleTable if they are not into one already */
inline PExampleGenerator toExampleTable(PExampleGenerator gen)
{ return (gen.is_derived_from(TExampleTable) ? gen : PExampleGenerator(mlnew TExampleTable(gen))); }