{i18n}Allocate Roles for{/i18n}:{$folderName|sanitize} {i18n} In many cases, workflow actions will be assigned to certain roles (e.g. Manager, Interviewer, Researcher, Journalist). You can assign these roles to specific groups in particular areas of the document management system. {/i18n} {i18n}Warning{/i18n}: {i18n}Please note that changing role allocations may take a some time, depending on the number of folders below this one.{/i18n} {i18n}Role{/i18n} {i18n}Allocated users{/i18n} {i18n}Edit Users{/i18n} {i18n}Edit Groups{/i18n} {if !$is_root}{i18n}Use Parent{/i18n}{/if} {if (count($roles) > 0)} {foreach item=aRole key=role_id from=$roles} {$aRole.name} {if ($aRole.allocation_id === null) && !$is_root} {i18n}inherited from parent folder.{/i18n} {/if} {if ($aRole.users != null)}{i18n}Users{/i18n}: {$aRole.users}{/if} {if ($aRole.groups != null)}{i18n}Groups{/i18n}: {$aRole.groups}{/if} {if ($aRole.allocation_id === null)} {/if} {if ($aRole.allocation_id === null) && !$is_root} {i18n}Override Parent Allocation{/i18n} {else} {i18n}Edit Users{/i18n} {i18n}Edit Groups{/i18n} {if !$is_root} kt:deleteMessage="{i18n}Are you sure you wish to remove this role allocation?{/i18n}" title="{i18n}Use parent's allocation{/i18n}">{i18n}Use parent's allocation{/i18n} {/if} {/if} {/foreach} {else} {i18n}No roles defined in the Role Administration area.{/i18n} {/if}