PHP 知识管理系统(基于树结构的知识管理系统), 英文原版的PHP源码。

源代码在线查看: roleadmin.smarty.2.tmp

软件大小: 30962 K
上传用户: ddddong
关键词: PHP 管理系统 源码
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				{i18n}Role Administration{/i18n}								{i18n}Workflow actions may be assigned to certain roles within the DMS. User groups are allocated to roles on a per-directory basis and are inherited from the root folder of the DMS. Roles may for example include "Document Creator", "Document Reviewer", "Document Publisher".{/i18n}								{if ($for_edit === false)}																   {i18n}Add a Role{/i18n}				   				   				   				   {foreach item=oWidget from=$add_fields}				     {$oWidget->render()}				   {/foreach}								   				      				   																{else}																   {i18n}Change a role's details{/i18n}				   				   				   				   				   {foreach item=oWidget from=$edit_fields}				     {$oWidget->render()}				   {/foreach}				   				   				      				      				   																{/if}																   				      {i18n}Role Name{/i18n}				      {i18n}Edit{/i18n}				      {i18n}Delete{/i18n}				   												     {if (count($roles) !== 0)}				     {foreach item=oRole from=$roles}				     				        {$oRole->getName()}				        {i18n}Edit{/i18n}				        {i18n}Delete{/i18n}				        				     {/foreach}				     {else}				     				        {i18n}There are currently no roles created within the system.{/i18n}				        				     {/if}															
