The Art of Error Correcting Coding: Linear Block Codes
content="Error Control Coding,Error CorrectingCoding,Error Correcting Codes,FEC,Turbo Codes,Iterative Decoding,DigitalCommunications,Wireless,Satellite,Data,Coded Modulation,Golay,Hamming,BCH,Reed Solomon,Viterbi Decoder,Soft Decision Decoding,Sudan Algorithm,Unequal Error Protection,Variable Rate Coding,Adaptive Coding,Convolutional Codes,LDPC,Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,The Art of Error-Correcting Coding,Capacity-achieving codes,Coding is not dead, is more alive than ever"
Linear Block Codes: Performance analysis
Here are several programs written in C and Matlab scripts for the analysis
and simulation of various linear block codes over BSC, AWGN and Rayleigh
fading channels. This is the topic of Chapter 1 of the href="">book.
In addition to the programs below, the following two directories
contain, respectively, the generator matrices
and weight distributions of all binary extended BCH codes of length up to
128: href="">Matrices_BCH href="">Weights_BCH style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Simulation of BPSK modulation over an AWGN
channel: href="">sim_bpsk.m which also
needs Q.m style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Use of the Hamming bound to determine minimum
redundancy n-k, given k and t: href="">minred.m style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Use of the Hamming bound to determine maximum t, given
k and redundancy n-k: href="">maxt.m
Simulation of a (6,3,3) linear code, over BSC, AWGN and Rayleigh fading
channels: href="">633_awgn.c href="">633_awgn_hdd.c
Weight distribution of a linear code given its generator matrix in an
input file: href="">WD_linear_code.c
An example is the binary linear (6,3,3) code discussed in the book, for
which the file should contain the following 3 lines: 100110 010011
001101 Compute the weight
distribution and union bound of a binary linear code and union bound for binary
transmission over an AWGN channel: href="">WeightDistribution.m
Another C program to find the weight distribution of a binary linear code
given a generator matrix (better user interface, no prompt): href="">find_weights.c
Bounds on the probability of a block error (WER) and a bit error (BER) for
binary linear codes with binary transmission over a Rayleigh fading channel:
Union bound on the word error probability (WER) for a binary linear
block code over a BSC channel: href="">bound_pe.c
Bounds on the probability of a bit error for a linear code with
soft-decision and hard-decision decoding with binary transmission over an AWGN
channel: href="">bound_awgn_ebno.c
Bounds on the bit error probability of the memory-2 rate-1/2 convolutional
code discussed in the book: href="">bound_rate12_bsc.c
Evaluation of the undetected error probability of a binary linear (4,2,2)
code, Equation (1.27) in the book: href="">bound_undetect_422.c
Bounds on the probability of error of a repetition code over an AWGN
channel and a Rayleigh fading channel, with soft decision decoding, as well as
probability of error with hard-decision over an AWGN channel: href="">bound_313.c href="">pe313_rayleigh.c
Simulation of a repetition (3,1,3) code over a binary symmetric
channel: href="">simulation313.c
Decoding of the binary (3,1,3) code over
an AWGN channel: href="">MLdecoder_313code.m style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Decoding of a binary (4,2,2) code over an AWGN
channel: href="">MLdecoder_422code.m
Probability of decoding error (block error) for a binary code with binary
transmission over an AWGN channel and hard-decision decoding: href="">pe_hdd_awgn.c
Exact probability of error with standard array decoding of binary linear
codes: href="">pe_std_array.c
Evaluate error probabilities for an RS code: href="">prob_error_RScode.c
This page was last updated
on August 6, 2008, by Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza.
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