
源代码在线查看: object.h

软件大小: 111 K
上传用户: mengcong18
关键词: MicroWindows linux 图形用户界面 支持系统
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// Micro Windows Implementation
				// object.h: the base class of all other classes
				// $DESC$
				// This is the revised "root" for the Micro Windows class hierarchy.
				// Object class was renamed to MWObject, while you can still use the
				// originally if _MW_OBJECTCLASS is defined (default is yes.)
				// This revision allows you working with other class hierarchies,
				// such as Borland OWL or Microsoft Foundation class.
				// $ENDDESC$
				// $CHNDESC$
				// Object class, 所有其他的 class 皆繼承自此 class.
				// 值得注意的是這裡用到了 virtual destructor .
				// $ENDDESC$
				// $Revision: 1.2 $
				// $Source: P:/MWINDOWS/INCLUDE/rcs/object.h $
				// $Date: 1994/01/08 18:09:37 $
				#ifndef __object_h
				#define __object_h
				#ifndef __stdhead_h
				#   include "stdhead.h"
				#define _MW_OBJECTCLASS
				#ifndef _MW_OBJECTROOT
				#   define _MW_OBJECTBASE
				#   define _MW_OBJECTBASE  : public _MW_OBJECTROOT
				class MWObject  _MW_OBJECTBASE
				    virtual ~MWObject ()  {}
				#ifdef _MW_OBJECTCLASS
				    typedef MWObject    Object;
				#ifdef _MW_OBJECTDEBUG
				    void *operator new (size_t s);
				    void operator delete (void *ptr);
