
源代码在线查看: request.c

软件大小: 53 K
上传用户: lemon_zc1949
关键词: Linux DHCP IPv6 版本
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#include "stdhead.h"				#include "request.h"				#include "clilib.h"								// This function creates a REQUEST message from the ADCVERTISE message and 				// returns a pointer to the REQUEST message				struct DHCP_MESSAGE * create_request_message (struct DHCP_MESSAGE *advertise_message, char *interface_name)				{				    // Allocate memory fot the REPLY message				    struct DHCP_MESSAGE *dhcp_message_ptr = (struct DHCP_MESSAGE *) malloc (sizeof (struct DHCP_MESSAGE));				    struct OPTIONS *options_ptr;				    struct DUID * duid_ptr;				    struct IA * ia_ptr;				    struct IA_ADDRESS * iaaddr_ptr;				    				    // Assign the message type as REQUEST				    dhcp_message_ptr -> u_msg_type.msg_type = REQUEST;				    // Generate the Transaction Id				    generate_trans_id (&dhcp_message_ptr -> u_trans_id.trans_id);				    // Copy and paste the Client Id option from the ADVERTISE message into 				    // the REQUEST message				    dhcp_message_ptr -> opt = copy_message_option (advertise_message, OPTION_CLIENTID);				    // Move onto to the next (option) next (duid) node				    duid_ptr = (struct DUID *) dhcp_message_ptr -> opt -> opt_data;				    // Copy and Paste the Server Id option from the ADVERTISE message into the				    // REQUEST message				    duid_ptr -> opt = copy_message_option (advertise_message, OPTION_SERVERID);				    // Move onto to the next (option) next (duid) node				    duid_ptr = (struct DUID *) duid_ptr -> opt -> opt_data;				    // Copy and Paste the IA option from the ADVERTISE message into the				    // REQUEST message				    duid_ptr -> opt = copy_message_option (advertise_message, OPTION_IA);				    // Move onto to the next (option) next (ia) node				    ia_ptr = (struct IA *) duid_ptr -> opt -> opt_data;				    // Copy and Paste the IA_ADDRESS option from the ADVERTISE message into the				    // REQUEST message				    ia_ptr -> opt = copy_message_option (advertise_message, OPTION_IAADDR);				    // Move onto to the next (option) next (ia_address) node				    iaaddr_ptr = (struct IA_ADDRESS *) ia_ptr -> opt -> opt_data;				    // Assign the next option pointer as zero				    iaaddr_ptr -> opt = 0;				    return dhcp_message_ptr;				}    							
