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					page	60,132
				;**								**;
				;**	(C)Copyright 1985-1996, American Megatrends Inc.	**;
				;**								**;
				;**			All Rights Reserved.			**;
				;**								**;
				;**		6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross,		**;
				;**								**;
				;**		Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600.	**;
				;**								**;
				; $Header: /BIOS/OEM/GENERIC/630/Intel/440BX/Desktop CR/OEMPORT/message.asm 1     9/15/97 5:56p Juand $
				; $Revision: 1 $
				; $Date: 9/15/97 5:56p $
				; Revision History
				; ----------------
				; $Log: /BIOS/OEM/GENERIC/630/Intel/440BX/Desktop CR/OEMPORT/message.asm $
				; 1     9/15/97 5:56p Juand
				; 1     9/11/97 6:41p Juand
				; 1     6/05/97 12:42p Debkumar
				; 1     1/31/97 1:15p Debkumar
				; New files for 62700.
				; 1     1/13/97 2:22p Debkumar
				; New file for 6.27.00.
				; 1     1/02/97 11:41a Debkumar
				; 5     12/30/96 2:37p Debkumar
				; Version 6.26.02
				; 4     9/03/96 5:15p Mandal
				; 6.26 for USA
				; 1     6/17/96 2:34p Mandal
				; 3     3/21/96 5:24p Mandal
				; (c)1996 and phone no changed.
				; 2     1/12/96 5:39p Dickh
				; Added SourceSafe keywords to track revision history.
					include	makeflag.equ
				cgroup	group	_text
				_text	segment	word	public	'CODE'
					assume	cs:cgroup
					public	_MESSAGE_STARTS
				_MESSAGE_STARTS	label	byte		; marks start of module
				;				STRING SET 9				;
				;  this string set contains the messages to be displayed from the	;
				;  SPECIAL_CONFIG_DISPLAY routine e.g. cache size, cpu frequency, etc.	;
				;  each message can be of more than one line but the maximum number of	;
				;  characters in a line can be 76. each message must end with a 0 (NULL);
				;  character. please note that NULL character is not included in the	;
				;  length of message.							;
					public	_StrSet9
				_StrSet9	equ	9
					public	string_set_9
				string_set_9	label	word
				start_string_def	label	byte		; (CORE0228+)
					public agp_display
				agp_display		equ	0
					db	"AGP ",0
					public	edo_memory_msg
				edo_memory_msg		equ	agp_display+1
					db	'EDO DRAM at DIMM # : ',0
					public	sdram_memory_msg
				sdram_memory_msg	equ	edo_memory_msg+1
					db	'SDRAM at DIMM  #   : ',0
					public	fpm_memory_msg
				fpm_memory_msg		equ	sdram_memory_msg+1
					db	'FP DRAM at DIMM  # : ',0
					public	rsdram_memory_msg
				rsdram_memory_msg	equ	fpm_memory_msg+1
					db	'RSDRAM at DIMM #   : ',0
					public	ecc_disabled_msg
				ecc_disabled_msg	equ	rsdram_memory_msg+1
					db	'Turning off EC-Only/ECC mode because x72''s not detected',0dh,0ah
					db	'Press any key to continue',0dh,0ah,0
				end_string_def	label	byte		; (CORE0228+)
				;  all strings must come after STRING_SET_9 label.			;
				;********							********;
				;********			EXAMPLE				********;
				;********							********;
				;********	string_1st	equ	0			********;
				;********			db	'String-1',0		********;
				;********	string_2nd	equ	string_1st+1		********;
				;********			db	'String-2',0		********;
				;********							********;
				;**								**;
				;**	(C)Copyright 1985-1996, American Megatrends Inc.	**;
				;**								**;
				;**			All Rights Reserved.			**;
				;**								**;
				;**		6145-F, Northbelt Parkway, Norcross,		**;
				;**								**;
				;**		Georgia - 30071, USA. Phone-(770)-246-8600.	**;
				;**								**;
					public	_MESSAGE_ENDS
				_MESSAGE_ENDS	label	byte			; marks end of module
				_text	ends
