MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel Motorola 68HC12 Port for Metrowerks Codewarrior READ ME FILE

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关键词: Codewarrior Metrowerks Real-Time Motorola
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				MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel
				Motorola 68HC12 Port for Metrowerks Codewarrior
				This project is a port of MicroC/OS-II targeted to the Motorola microcontroller MC9S12DP256 using Metrowerks Codewarrior 2.0 (version 4.2). The code was compiled and tested using the latest version of uC/OS-II (2.7).The port takes also into account the memory model used.
				Even though the project is set up for MC9S12DP256 by default, it could easily be changed to work with any other flavor of the 68HC12. To do so, it suffices to include the specific target library file instead of 6812dp256.h
				Note that this project was debugged using a Motorola SDI interfaced to an Adapt9S12DP256 evaluation board from Technological Arts.
				The following files are not included with the port. However, they can be found in the following folders:
				6812dp256.h 				6812dp256.c 				ucos_ii.h 				ucos_ii.c 				
				Make sure also to add the Path to the source files of uC/OS-II to your project access path.
				If you have any comments please feel free to contact me
				Abderrahmane Assal 
