vb+sql(sql server 2000)

源代码在线查看: frmget1.frm

软件大小: 142 K
上传用户: goocool
关键词: sql server 2000 vb
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				VERSION 5.00
				Begin VB.Form frmGET1 
				   BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Dialog
				   Caption         =   "收款记账"
				   ClientHeight    =   4656
				   ClientLeft      =   48
				   ClientTop       =   336
				   ClientWidth     =   6372
				   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
				   MaxButton       =   0   'False
				   MinButton       =   0   'False
				   ScaleHeight     =   4656
				   ScaleWidth      =   6372
				   ShowInTaskbar   =   0   'False
				   StartUpPosition =   1  'CenterOwner
				   Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
				      Caption         =   "收款信息:"
				      Height          =   3732
				      Left            =   120
				      TabIndex        =   9
				      Top             =   120
				      Width           =   6132
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   1080
				         Index           =   11
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         MultiLine       =   -1  'True
				         ScrollBars      =   2  'Vertical
				         TabIndex        =   25
				         Top             =   2520
				         Width           =   4212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   10
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   23
				         Top             =   2160
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   9
				         Left            =   4560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   21
				         Top             =   1800
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   8
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   19
				         Top             =   1800
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   7
				         Left            =   4560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   17
				         Top             =   1440
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   6
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   6
				         Top             =   1440
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   5
				         Left            =   4560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   5
				         Top             =   1080
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   4
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   4
				         Top             =   1080
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   3
				         Left            =   4560
				         MaxLength       =   20
				         TabIndex        =   3
				         Top             =   720
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   2
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   20
				         TabIndex        =   2
				         Top             =   720
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   0
				         Left            =   1560
				         MaxLength       =   8
				         TabIndex        =   0
				         Top             =   360
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.TextBox txtItem 
				         Height          =   270
				         Index           =   1
				         Left            =   4560
				         MaxLength       =   20
				         TabIndex        =   1
				         Top             =   360
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "付款比例:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   12
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   26
				         Top             =   2160
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "总金额:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   11
				         Left            =   3360
				         TabIndex        =   24
				         Top             =   1800
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "销售折扣:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   9
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   22
				         Top             =   1800
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "销售单价:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   4
				         Left            =   3360
				         TabIndex        =   20
				         Top             =   1440
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "数量:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   3
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   18
				         Top             =   1440
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "备注信息:"
				         Height          =   255
				         Index           =   10
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   16
				         Top             =   2520
				         Width           =   1095
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "商品名称:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   8
				         Left            =   3360
				         TabIndex        =   15
				         Top             =   1080
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "商品编号:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   7
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   14
				         Top             =   1080
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "客户名称:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   6
				         Left            =   3360
				         TabIndex        =   13
				         Top             =   720
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "客户编号:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   5
				         Left            =   360
				         TabIndex        =   12
				         Top             =   720
				         Width           =   1212
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "销售单编号:"
				         Height          =   255
				         Index           =   0
				         Left            =   240
				         TabIndex        =   11
				         Top             =   360
				         Width           =   1335
				      Begin VB.Label Label2 
				         Caption         =   "销售日期:"
				         Height          =   252
				         Index           =   1
				         Left            =   3360
				         TabIndex        =   10
				         Top             =   360
				         Width           =   1212
				   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit 
				      Caption         =   "返回 (&X)"
				      Height          =   375
				      Left            =   3120
				      TabIndex        =   8
				      Top             =   4080
				      Width           =   1215
				   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSave 
				      Caption         =   "付清货款 (&S)"
				      Height          =   375
				      Left            =   1680
				      TabIndex        =   7
				      Top             =   4080
				      Width           =   1215
				Attribute VB_Name = "frmGET1"
				Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
				Attribute VB_Creatable = False
				Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
				Attribute VB_Exposed = False
				Option Explicit
				Dim mblChange As Boolean
				Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset
				Public txtSQL As String
				Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
				    If mblChange And cmdSave.Enabled Then
				        If MsgBox("保存当前记录的变化吗?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "警告") = vbOK Then
				            Call cmdSave_Click
				        End If
				    End If
				    Unload Me
				End Sub
				Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
				    Dim intCount As Integer
				    Dim sMeg As String
				    Dim MsgText As String
				    txtSQL = "select jsfk,yf from outh where outh_no = '" & Trim(txtItem(0)) & "'"
				    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)
				    If Not mrc.EOF Then
				        mrc.Fields(0) = "Y"
				        mrc.Fields(1) = 100
				    End If
				        MsgBox "付款登记成功!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "付款登记"
				        For intCount = 0 To 11
				            txtItem(intCount) = ""
				        Next intCount
				        Unload frmGET
				        frmGET.txtSQL = "select outh.outh_no,outh.out_date,outh.khdm,dm_kh.mc,outh.wzdm,dm_wz.mc,outh.sl,outh.out_danj,outh.o_zk,outh.o_zke,outh.jz,outh.yf,outh.bz from outh inner join dm_kh on outh.khdm = dm_kh.dm inner join dm_wz on outh.wzdm = dm_wz.dm where outh.jsfk  'Y'"
				End Sub
				Private Sub Form_Load()
				    Dim intCount As Integer
				    Dim MsgText As String
				    Dim i As Integer
				        Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)
				        If mrc.EOF = False Then
				            With mrc
				                For intCount = 0 To 11
				                    txtItem(intCount) = .Fields(intCount)
				                    txtItem(intCount).Enabled = False
				                Next intCount
				            End With
				        End If
				End Sub
				Private Sub txtItem_Change(Index As Integer)
				End Sub
				Private Sub txtItem_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
				    txtItem(Index).SelStart = 0
				    txtItem(Index).SelLength = Len(txtItem(Index))
				End Sub
				Private Sub txtItem_KeyDown(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
				    EnterToTab KeyCode
				End Sub
