gnu tar 源码包。 tar 软件是 Unix 系统下的一个打包软件


软件大小: 2757 K
上传用户: jellylihui
关键词: tar Unix gnu 软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#! /bin/sh				# This program is part of GNU tar				# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.				#				# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify				# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by				# the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)				# any later version.				#				# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,				# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of				# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the				# GNU General Public License for more details.				#				# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License				# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software				# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA				# 02110-1301, USA.								PROGNAME=`basename $0`				CONFIGPATH="$SYSCONFDIR/backup"				REMOTEBACKUPDIR="$SYSCONFDIR/tar-backup"				CONFIGFILE=${CONFIGPATH}/backup-specs				DIRLIST=${CONFIGPATH}/dirs				FILELIST=${CONFIGPATH}/files				LOGPATH=${CONFIGPATH}/log								# Default functions for running various magnetic tape commands				mt_begin() {				    $MT -f "$1" retension				}								mt_rewind() {				    $MT -f "$1" rewind				}								mt_offline() {				    $MT -f "$1" offl				}								mt_status() {				    $MT -f "$1" status				}								# The main configuration file may override any of these variables				MT_BEGIN=mt_begin				MT_REWIND=mt_rewind				MT_OFFLINE=mt_offline				MT_STATUS=mt_status								# Insure `mail' is in PATH.				PATH="/usr/ucb:${PATH}"				export PATH				# Put startdate in the subject line of mailed report, since if it happens				# to run longer than 24 hours (as may be the case if someone forgets to put				# in the next volume of the tape in adequate time), the backup date won't				# appear too misleading.				startdate="`date`"				here="`pwd`"				# Save local hostname				localhost="`hostname | sed -e 's/\..*//' | tr A-Z a-z`"								# Produce a diagnostic output				message() {				    if [ "$VERBOSE" != "" ]; then					if [ $VERBOSE -ge $1 ]; then					    shift					    echo "$@" >&2					fi				    fi				}								# Bail out and exit.				bailout() {				    echo "$PROGNAME: $*" >&2				    exit 1				}								# Return current date				now() {				#IF_DATE_FORMAT_OK					date +%Y-%m-%d				#ELSE_DATE_FORMAT_OK				        LC_ALL=C date | \					sed 's/[^ ]*  *\([^ ]*\)  *\([^ ]*\).* \([^ ]*\)$/\3-\1-\2/					    /-[0-9]$/s/\([0-9]\)$/0\1/				            /Jan/{s/Jan/01/p;q;}				            /Feb/{s/Feb/02/p;q;}				            /Mar/{s/Mar/03/p;q;}				            /Apr/{s/Apr/04/p;q;}				            /May/{s/May/05/p;q;}				            /Jun/{s/Jun/06/p;q;}				            /Jul/{s/Jul/07/p;q;}				            /Aug/{s/Aug/08/p;q;}				            /Sep/{s/Sep/09/p;q;}				            /Oct/{s/Oct/10/p;q;}				            /Nov/{s/Nov/11/p;q;}				            /Dec/{s/Dec/12/p;q;}'				#ENDIF_DATE_FORMAT_OK				}								# Bail out if we don't have root privileges.				test_root() {				    if [ ! -w ${ROOT_FS-/} ]; then					bailout "The backup must be run as root or else some files will fail to be dumped."				    fi				}								root_fs() {				    echo "${ROOT_FS}$1" | tr -s /				}								advice() {				    echo "Directory $1 is not found." >&2				    cat >&2 				The following directories and files are needed for the backup to function:								1. Directory with configuration files and file lists:				$CONFIGPATH				2. Directory for backup log files				$LOGPATH				3. Main configuration file				$CONFIGFILE								Please, create these and invoke the script again.				EOF				}								init_common() {				    # Check if the necessary directories exist				    if [ ! -d $CONFIGPATH ]; then					advice $CONFIGPATH					exit 1				    fi				    if [ ! -d $LOGPATH ]; then					if mkdir $LOGPATH; then					    :					else					    advice $LOGPATH					    exit 1					fi				    fi				    # Get the values of BACKUP_DIRS, BACKUP_FILES, and other variables.				    if [ ! -r $CONFIGFILE ]; then					echo "$PROGNAME: cannot read $CONFIGFILE. Stop." >&2					exit 1				    fi				    . $CONFIGFILE								    # Environment sanity check								    test_root								    if [ x"${ADMINISTRATOR}" = x ]; then					bailout "ADMINISTRATOR not defined"				    fi								    [ x"$TAR" = x ] && TAR=tar				    [ x"$SLEEP_TIME" = x ] && SLEEP_TIME=60								    if [ x$VOLNO_FILE = x ]; then					bailout "VOLNO_FILE not specified"				    fi								    if [ -r $DIRLIST ]; then					BACKUP_DIRS="$BACKUP_DIRS `cat $DIRLIST`"				    fi				    if [ -r $FILELIST ]; then					BACKUP_FILES="$BACKUP_FILES `cat $FILELIST`"				    fi								    if [ \( x"$BACKUP_DIRS" = x \) -a \( x"$BACKUP_FILES" = x \) ]; then					bailout "Neither BACKUP_DIRS nor BACKUP_FILES specified"				    fi				    if [ -z "$RSH" ]; then					RSH=rsh					MT_RSH_OPTION=				    else					MT_RSH_OPTION="--rsh-command=$RSH"				    fi				    if [ -z "$TAPE_FILE" ]; then					TAPE_FILE=/dev/tape				    fi								    # If TAPE_FILE is a remote device, update mt invocation accordingly				    : ${MT:=mt}				    case $TAPE_FILE in				    *:*) MT="$MT $MT_RSH_OPTION";;				    *)   ;;				    esac								    POSIXLY_CORRECT=1				    export POSIXLY_CORRECT				}								init_backup() {				    init_common				    TAR_PART1="${TAR} -c --format=gnu --multi-volume --one-file-system --sparse --volno-file=${VOLNO_FILE}"				    if [ "x$XLIST" != x ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} \`test -r $REMOTEBACKUPDIR/$XLIST && echo \"--exclude-from $REMOTEBACKUPDIR/$XLIST\"\`"				    fi				    if [ "$RSH_COMMAND" != "" ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --rsh-command=$RSH_COMMAND"				    fi				    if [ x$BLOCKING != x ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --blocking=${BLOCKING}"				    fi								    # Only use --info-script if DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT was defined in backup-specs				    if [ "x${DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT}" != "x" ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --info-script='${DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT}'"				    fi				    # Set logfile name				    # Logfile name should be in the form  ``log-1993-03-18-level-0''				    # They go in the directory `@sysconfdir@/log'.				    # i.e. year-month-date.  This format is useful for sorting by name, since				    # logfiles are intentionally kept online for future reference.				    LOGFILE="${LOGPATH}/log-`now`-level-${DUMP_LEVEL}"				}								init_restore() {				    init_common				    # FIXME: Replace --list with --extract				    TAR_PART1="${TAR} --extract --multi-volume"				    if [ "$RSH_COMMAND" != "" ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --rsh-command=$RSH_COMMAND"				    fi				    if [ x$BLOCKING != x ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --blocking=${BLOCKING}"				    fi								    # Only use --info-script if DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT was defined in backup-specs				    if [ "x${DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT}" != "x" ]; then					TAR_PART1="${TAR_PART1} --info-script='${DUMP_REMIND_SCRIPT}'"				    fi				    LOGFILE="${LOGPATH}/restore-`now`"				}								wait_time() {				    if [ "${1}" != "now" ]; then					if [ "${1}x" != "x" ]; then					    spec="${1}"					else					    spec="${BACKUP_HOUR}"					fi									pausetime="`date | awk -v spec=\"${spec}\" '						BEGIN {						    split(spec, time, ":")						}						{						    split($4, now, ":")						    diff = 3600 * (time[1] - now[1]) + 60 * (time[2] - now[2]);						    if (diff < 0)							diff += 3600 * 24						    print diff						}'`"					clear					echo "${SLEEP_MESSAGE}"					sleep "${pausetime}"				    fi				}								level_log_name() {				    echo "$REMOTEBACKUPDIR/${1}.level-${2-$DUMP_LEVEL}"				}								# Prepare a temporary level logfile				# usage: make_level_log HOSTNAME				make_level_log() {				    if [ "z${localhost}" != "z$1" ] ; then					$RSH "$1" mkdir $REMOTEBACKUPDIR > /dev/null 2>&1				        $RSH "$1" rm -f `level_log_name temp`				    else				        mkdir $REMOTEBACKUPDIR > /dev/null 2>&1				        rm -f `level_log_name temp`				    fi				}								# Rename temporary log				# usage: flush_level_log HOSTNAME FSNAME				flush_level_log() {				    message 10 "RENAME: `level_log_name temp` --> `level_log_name $2`"				    if [ "z${localhost}" != "z$1" ] ; then					$RSH "$1" mv -f `level_log_name temp` "`level_log_name $2`"				    else				        mv -f `level_log_name temp` "`level_log_name $2`"				    fi				}								# Return the timestamp of the last backup.				# usage: get_dump_time LEVEL				get_dump_time() {				    ls -r ${LOGPATH}/log-*-level-$1 \				        | head -n 1 \					| sed "s,.*log-\(.*\)-level-$1,\1,"				}								# Do actual backup on a host				# usage: backup_host HOSTNAME [TAR_ARGUMENTS]				backup_host() {				    message 10 "ARGS: $@"				    rhost=$1				    shift				    if [ "z${localhost}" != "z$rhost" ] ; then					$RSH "$rhost" ${TAR_PART1} -f "${localhost}:${TAPE_FILE}" $@				    else					# Using `sh -c exec' causes nested quoting and shell substitution				        # to be handled here in the same way rsh handles it.				        CMD="exec ${TAR_PART1} -f \"${TAPE_FILE}\" $@"				        message 10 "CMD: $CMD"				        sh -c "$CMD"				        message 10 "RC: $?"				    fi				}								print_level() {				    if [ ${1-$DUMP_LEVEL} -eq 0 ]; then					echo "Full"				    else				    	echo "Level ${1-$DUMP_LEVEL}"				    fi				}								prev_level() {				    print_level `expr $DUMP_LEVEL - 1` | tr A-Z a-z				}								remote_run() {				    rhost=$1				    shift				    message 10 "REMOTE $rhost: $@"				    if [ "x$rhost" != "x${localhost}" ] ; then					$RSH "${rhost}" "$@"				    else				        $*				    fi				}								license() {				    cat - 				Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.				This is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of				the GNU General Public License .				There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.				EOF				}							
