
源代码在线查看: buildsource.java

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				// $Id: BuildSource.java,v 1.4 2006/12/12 18:23:00 vlahan Exp $								/*									tab:4				 * "Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Regents of the University  of California.  				 * All rights reserved.				 *				 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its				 * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is				 * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, the following				 * two paragraphs and the author appear in all copies of this software.				 * 				 * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR				 * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT				 * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF				 * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.				 * 				 * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES,				 * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY				 * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS				 * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO				 * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS."				 *				 * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Intel Corporation				 * All rights reserved.				 *				 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached INTEL-LICENSE     				 * file. If you do not find these files, copies can be found by writing to				 * Intel Research Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1300, Berkeley, CA, 				 * 94704.  Attention:  Intel License Inquiry.				 */				package net.tinyos.packet;								import net.tinyos.util.*;								/**				 * This class is where packet-sources are created. It also provides 				 * convenient shortcuts for building PhoenixSources on packet-sources.				 *				 * See PacketSource and PhoenixSource for details on the source behaviours.				 *				 * Most applications will probably use net.tinyos.message.MoteIF with				 * the default source, but those that don't must use BuildSource to obtain				 * a PacketSource.				 *				 * The default source is specified by the MOTECOM environment variable				 * (note that the JNI code for net.tinyos.util.Env must be installed for				 * this to work - see net/tinyos/util/Env.INSTALL for details). When				 * MOTECOM is undefined (or the JNI code for Env.java cannot be found), the				 * packet source is "sf@localhost:9002" (new serial-forwarder, on localhost				 * port 9002).				 *				 * Packet sources can either be specified by strings (when calling				 * makePacketSource, or by calling a specific makeXXX method				 * (e.g., makeSF, makeSerial). There are also				 * makeArgsXXX methods which make a source from its source-args (see below).				 *				 * Packet source strings have the format: [@],				 * where source-args have reasonable defaults for most sources.				 * The sourceHelp method prints an up-to-date description				 * of known sources and their arguments.				 */				public class BuildSource {				    /**				     * Make a new PhoenixSource over a specified PacketSource				     * Note that a PhoenixSource must be started (start method)				     * before use, and that resurrection is off by default (the default error				     * calls System.exit).				     * @param source The packet-source to use (not null)				     * @param messages Where to send status messages (null for no messages)				     * @return The new PhoenixSource				     */				    public static PhoenixSource makePhoenix(PacketSource source, Messenger messages) {					return new PhoenixSource(source, messages);				    }								    /**				     * Make a new PhoenixSource over a specified PacketSource				     * Note that a PhoenixSource must be started (start method)				     * before use, and that resurrection is off by default (the default error				     * calls System.exit).				     * @param name The packet-source to use, specified with a packet-source				     *   string				     * @param messages Where to send status messages (null for no messages)				     * @return The new PhoenixSource, or null if name is an invalid source				     */				    public static PhoenixSource makePhoenix(String name, Messenger messages) {					PacketSource source = makePacketSource(name);					if (source == null) {					    return null;					}					return new PhoenixSource(source, messages);				    }								    /**				     * Make a new PhoenixSource over the default PacketSource				     * Note that a PhoenixSource must be started (start method)				     * before use, and that resurrection is off by default (the default error				     * calls System.exit).				     * @param messages Where to send status messages (null for no messages)				     * @return The new PhoenixSource				     * @return The new PhoenixSource, or null if the default packet source is				     *   invalid (ie, the MOTECOM environment variable specifies an invalid packet				     *   source)				     */				    public static PhoenixSource makePhoenix(Messenger messages) {					PacketSource source = makePacketSource();					if (source == null) {					    return null;					}					return new PhoenixSource(source, messages);				    }								    /**				     * Make the default packet source				     * @return The packet source, or null if it could not be made				     */				    public static PacketSource makePacketSource() {					return makePacketSource(Env.getenv("MOTECOM"));				    }								    /**				     * Make the specified packet source				     * @param name Name of the packet source, or null for "sf@localhost:9002"				     * @return The packet source, or null if it could not be made				     */				    public static PacketSource makePacketSource(String name) {					if (name == null)					    name = "sf@localhost:9002"; // default source									ParseArgs parser = new ParseArgs(name, "@");					String source = parser.next();					String args = parser.next();					PacketSource retVal = null;										if (source.equals("sf"))					    retVal =  makeArgsSF(args);					if (source.equals("serial"))					    retVal =  makeArgsSerial(args);					if (source.equals("network"))					    retVal =  makeArgsNetwork(args);					if (source.equals("tossim-serial"))					    retVal =  makeArgsTossimSerial(args);					if (source.equals("tossim-radio"))					    retVal =  makeArgsTossimRadio(args);									return retVal;				    }								    /**				     * Return summary of source string specifications				     */				    public static String sourceHelp() {					return				"  - sf@HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER\n" +				"    A serial forwarder.\n" +				"  - serial@SERIALPORT:BAUDRATE\n" +				"    A mote connected to a serial port using the TinyOS 2.0 serial protocol.\n" +				"     BAUDRATE is either a number or a platform name (selects platform's\n" +				"     default baud rate).\n" +				"  - network@HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER\n" +				"    A mote whose serial port is accessed over the network.\n" +				"  - tossim-serial[@HOSTNAME]\n" +				"    The serial port of tossim node 0.\n" +				"  - tossim-radio[@HOSTNAME]\n" +				"    The radios of tossim nodes.\n" +				"\n" +				"Examples: serial@COM1:mica2, serial@/dev/ttyUSB2:19200, sf@localhost:9000";				    }								    /**				     * Make a serial-forwarder source  (tcp/ip client) from an argument string				     * @param args "hostname:port-number", or null for "localhost:9002"				     * @return The new PacketSource or null for invalid arguments				     */				    public static PacketSource makeArgsSF(String args) {					if (args == null)					    args = "localhost:9002";									ParseArgs parser = new ParseArgs(args, ":");					String host = parser.next();					String portS = parser.next();					if (portS == null)					    return null;					int port = Integer.parseInt(portS);									return makeSF(host, port);				    }								    /**				     * Make a serial-forwarder source (tcp/ip client)				     * @param host hostname				     * @param port port number				     * @return The new PacketSource				     */				    public static PacketSource makeSF(String host, int port) {					return new SFSource(host, port);				    }								    private static int decodeBaudrate(String rateS) {					try {					    int rate = Platform.get(rateS);					    if (rate == -1)						rate = Integer.parseInt(rateS);					    if (rate > 0)						return rate;					}					catch (NumberFormatException e) { }					return -1;				    }				 								    /**				     * Make a serial-port packet source. Serial packet sources report				     * missing acknowledgements via a false result to writePacket.				     * @param args "COMn[:baudrate]" ("COM1" if args is null)				     *   baudrate is an integer or mote name				     *   The default baudrate is 19200.				     * @return The new packet source, or null if the arguments are invalid				     */				    public static PacketSource makeArgsSerial(String args) {					if (args == null)					    args = "COM1";									ParseArgs parser = new ParseArgs(args, ":");					String port = parser.next();					String platformOrBaud = parser.next();					int baudrate = decodeBaudrate(platformOrBaud);					if (baudrate < 0)					    return null;					return makeSerial(port, baudrate);				    }								    /**				     * Make a serial-port packet source. Serial packet sources report				     * missing acknowledgements via a false result to writePacket.				     * @param port javax.comm serial port name ("COMn:")				     * @param baudrate requested baudrate				     * @return The new packet source				     */ 				    public static PacketSource makeSerial(String port, int baudrate) {					return new Packetizer("serial@" + port + ":" + baudrate,							      new SerialByteSource(port, baudrate));				    }								    /**				     * Make a serial-port packet source for a network-accessible serial				     * port. Serial packet sources report missing acknowledgements via a				     * false result to writePacket.				     * @param args "hostname:portnumber" (no default)				     * @return The new packet source, or null if the arguments are invalid				     */				    public static PacketSource makeArgsNetwork(String args) {					if (args == null)					    return null;									ParseArgs parser = new ParseArgs(args, ":,");					String host = parser.next();					String portS = parser.next();					if (portS == null)					    return null;					int port = Integer.parseInt(portS);									return makeNetwork(host, port);				    }								    /**				     * Make a serial-port packet source for a network-accessible serial				     * port. Serial packet sources report missing acknowledgements via a				     * false result to writePacket.				     * @param host hostname of network-accessible serial port				     * @param port tcp/ip port number				     * @return The new packet source				     */				    public static PacketSource makeNetwork(String host, int port) {					return new Packetizer("network@" + host + ":" + port,							      new NetworkByteSource(host, port));				    }								    // We create tossim sources using reflection to avoid depending on				    // tossim at compile-time								    /**				     * Make a tossim serial port (node 0) packet source				     * @param args "hostname" ("localhost" for null) (on which tossim runs)				     * @return The new packet source				     */				    public static PacketSource makeArgsTossimSerial(String args) {					if (args == null)					    args = "localhost";					return makeTossimSerial(args);				    }								    /**				     * Make a tossim serial port (node 0) packet source				     * @param host hostname on which tossim runs				     * @return The new packet source				     */				    public static PacketSource makeTossimSerial(String host) {					return makeTossimSource("TossimSerialSource", host);				    }								    /**				     * Make a tossim radio packet source				     * @param args "hostname" ("localhost" for null) (on which tossim runs)				     * @return The new packet source				     */				    public static PacketSource makeArgsTossimRadio(String args) {					if (args == null)					    args = "localhost";					return makeTossimRadio(args);				    }								    /**				     * Make a tossim radio packet source				     * @param host hostname on which tossim runs				     * @return The new packet source				     */				    public static PacketSource makeTossimRadio(String host) {					return makeTossimSource("TossimRadioSource", host);				    }								    private static PacketSource makeTossimSource(String name, String host) {					try {					    Class[] oneStringArg = new Class[1];					    oneStringArg[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.String");					    Object[] args = new Object[1];					    args[0] = host;									    Class tossimSource = Class.forName("net.tinyos.sim.packet." + name);					    return (PacketSource)tossimSource.getConstructor(oneStringArg).newInstance(args);					}					catch (Exception e) {					    System.err.println("Couldn't instantiate tossim packet source");					    System.err.println("Did you compile tossim?");					    return null;					}				    }								//     static class ParseArgs {				// 	String tokens[];				// 	int tokenIndex;								// 	ParseArgs(String s, String delimiterSequence) {				// 	    int count = delimiterSequence.length();				// 	    tokens = new String[count + 1];				// 	    tokenIndex = 0;								// 	    // Fill in the tokens				// 	    int i = 0, lastMatch = 0;				// 	    while (i < count) {				// 		int pos = s.indexOf(delimiterSequence.charAt(i++));								// 		if (pos >= 0) {				// 		    // When we finally find a delimiter, we know where				// 		    // the last token ended				// 		    tokens[lastMatch] = s.substring(0, pos);				// 		    lastMatch = i;				// 		    s = s.substring(pos + 1);				// 		}				// 	    }				// 	    tokens[lastMatch] = s;				// 	}								// 	String next() {				// 	    return tokens[tokenIndex++];				// 	}				//     }								    public static void main(String[] args) {					System.err.println(sourceHelp());				    }				}							
