odac for oralce 8i,10g,11g easy to connect to oralce from delphi

源代码在线查看: servercontroller.dfm

软件大小: 2166 K
上传用户: lwc_1978
关键词: oralce connect delphi odac
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object IWServerController: TIWServerController
				  OldCreateOrder = True
				  AppName = 'MyIWApp'
				  ComInitialization = ciNone
				  SessionTrackingMethod = tmURL
				  Description = 'Oracle Data Access Demo - IntraWeb'
				  DestinationDevice = ddWeb
				  ExceptionDisplayMode = smAlert
				  ExecCmd = 'EXEC'
				  HistoryEnabled = False
				  Port = 0
				  RestrictIPs = False
				  ShowResyncWarning = True
				  SessionTimeout = 10
				  SSLPort = 0
				  SupportedBrowsers = [brIE, brNetscape6, brOpera]
				  OnNewSession = IWServerControllerBaseNewSession
				  Left = 171
				  Top = 149
				  Height = 105
				  Width = 206
